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House Battery: Moody 54

Project Description:

Recent project on a 54 Moody swapping out house batteries, going from 12-2 volt gel batteries to 8-6 volt Lifeline L16 AGM’s. The advantage of getting rid of the single bank with 2v batteries in series is the added redundancy you gain if one battery goes bad. Having two house banks of 24v In parallel gives you an alternative for power in case a failure occurs in one of your banks. Fabricating starboard cleats and hold downs, along with wire loom and neoprene boots over all connections to maintain ABYC standards. A Blue Seas RBS(Remote Battery Switch) was also installed. On the previous setup the battery switch was approximently 35 feet from the batteries.

ABYC A battery switch shall be mounted in a readily accessible location as close as practicable to the battery.

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